IRS TAX SOS:  The 4 Actions You Need To Take RIGHT NOW If You Have Multiple Years of Unfiled Tax Returns!

Knowledge is Power. Don’t let the unknown stop you from taking charge of your tax affairs. The information I will be sharing will empower you to stop procrastinating and start making progress.

The Live Stream Series Kicks Off In:








I’m offering a FREE Livestream series to give you the information and tools needed save yourself from the stress, fear, and intimidation that is associated with the IRS.

At the end of this Livestream Series, you will know:

  Why you need to take action NOW. You already know you need to get your tax affairs sorted out, I will help you understand the time urgency of NOW.

√  What type of tax professional you need to hire and what you should not say to the person you choose to work with.

  The order in which you should file your tax returns if you want to achieve optimal results.

  What to do if, after everything is filed, you have outstanding tax debt that you cannot afford to pay.

Now before you scroll any further, let’s get this out of the way really quickly and as painlessly as possible.  This Live Stream series is NOT for you if:

  You are current with the filing of your tax returns

  You make your tax payments each year on or before the tax filing deadline

  You are organized and tax documents are securely stored in a safe place

  You are currently working with someone you trust

  You are making payments to the IRS and these payments are NOT causing economic hardship

……No hard feelings, I am happy the information I’m offering is not for you and I sincerely hope that you never need my services.  This is not sarcasm, I mean it! Keep doing the damn thing!

But if you:

  Experienced some financial hardships that caused you to get behind

  Are trying to get your life back on track so that you can finally work on fulfilling some of your amazing goals and dreams

  Need someone to hold your hand through this process so that you can finally back get IN the game

  Need the tools to do this on your own – because the truth is, you don’t want anyone to know about the mess you’ve gotten yourself into

Then guess what? I’m about to give you something to get excited about!!

But first, JUST SO WE ARE CLEAR, here is what I won’t do:


  Belabor about the ever so stale, “Fresh Start Initiative” you know – the “program” (which is not really a program) you may have heard about on the radio or late-night that talks about settling your tax debt for pennies on a dollar <insert face palm>.

  You see…in 2019, the IRS only accepted 33% of the offers that were submitted.Try to scare you into thinking that the IRS will come and take your home or vehicle right from under you.

  YES- the IRS absolutely can take your home or vehicle, but it’s rare. You must have the income and/or assets for that type of action to be enforced.

  Make you believe that there is a one size fit all solution for taxpayers dealing with IRS debt.

  Each situation is different and must be analyzed individually.

Here is the real deal holyfield:

    1. You must be ready to hit the ground running.  Are you really ready to do this?
    2. You must be willing to take action and do the work needed to get the best possible results
    3. You must be able to follow a plan that can ultimately lead you to the freedom and peace of mind you deserve.
If you can handle this, then guess what? I got you!! There’s finally someone willing to give you the information you need to start making real boss moves! You are not your tax problems and this situation is not the end of the world.

Join me for the FREE Live Stream Series so that I can take you through the 4 Actions You Need To Take RIGHT NOW to get those tax returns filed.

LISTEN! The road to success is littered with what ifs… and I am not a fan of litter so let me help you with a few what ifs.


What if you meet the woman of your dreams, but she won’t marry you because your past due tax returns will result in financial issues for her.

What if you’re never able to purchase your dream home or get a good interest rate because you never filed your tax returns.

What if you can’t get the job you want because in addition to a credit check, you’ll have to be in compliance with the IRS as well

What if you continue to go at this alone and continue to spend years of your life procrastinating about your tax situation and end up with countless letters from the IRS along with thousands and thousands of dollars in interest in penalties.


Or what if there is no need for any of these what ifs?

Because there isn’t.

You can slay the what ifs and doubts and starts with a simple choice: Register for my Live Stream: 4 Actions To Take If You Have Multiple Years of Unfiled Tax Returns.

This is your chance to get the answers you need to get started right away!  Join me so that I can show you how to get back in the driver’s seat!

Hi! So glad you’re here! I’m Jennifer Hayes and I am Tax Relief Strategist.  My specialty is helping taxpayers with tax controversy issues. Nice to meet you!

I’ve been helping troubled taxpayers as an Enrolled Agent since 2016.  I have spent countless hours dedicating myself to finding ways to help disorganized and frustrated taxpayers achieve peace of mind so that they no longer dread tax season.

There is a method to the madness of getting into compliance with the IRS. I help individuals and small businesses with delinquent taxes create a plan to get into compliance with the IRS so that they can stop stressing and start living their dreams.

Join Me July 14th @ 12PM EST








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